template<class T, typename TAlloc = irrAllocator<T>> class irr::core::array< T, TAlloc >. Self reallocating template array (like stl vector) with additional ...
Basic classes such as vectors, planes, arrays, lists, and so on can be found in this namespace. More... Classes. class aabbox3d.
List element node with pointer to previous and next element in the list. Public Member Functions. list (). Default constructor for empty list. list (const ...
Public Member Functions. virtual bool activateJoysticks (core::array< SJoystickInfo > &joystickInfo)=0. Activate any joysticks, and generate events for them.
Returns true if this element can be focused by navigating with the tab key. virtual bool isVisible () const. Returns true if element is visible. virtual void ...
Adds an attribute as wide string array. virtual void addBinary (const c8 *attributeName, void *data, s32 dataSizeInBytes)=0. Adds an attribute as binary data.
Populates an array with the CurrentLOD of each patch. virtual f32 getHeight (f32 x, f32 y) const =0. Get height of a point of the terrain.
Gets the triangles for one associated node which may lie within a specific bounding box. virtual void getTriangles (core::triangle3df *triangles, s32 arraySize, ...
irr::core::array< T, TAlloc > · irr::scene ... irr::core::dimension2d< T > Class Template Reference ... The documentation for this class was generated from the ...
Reads an amount of bytes from the file. virtual bool seek (long finalPos, bool relativeMovement=false)=0. Changes position in file. Detailed Description.